Community Service

Habitat for Humanity Build

FRIENDS ACADEMY BELIEVES that community service is an integral part of its educational mission. This service program is one of the ways that the school encourages students to use their talents and skills to work for public as well as private good.

Through course work, service projects and periods of reflection, the program seeks to foster qualities of citizenship, humanity and spirituality. In 1996, the school-wide Community Service Program was recognized by the Council of Religion in Independent Schools as a model program.

Lower School

The Lower School seeks to foster the values of service through hands-on experiences, from which children learn the rewards as well as duties of helping others. Each team undertakes its own, age-appropriate projects.

Middle School

The Middle School Program focuses on special projects throughout the year, both on campus and in the wider community. Recognizing the maturing pre-adolescent student and the importance of nurturing their leadership skills, community service activities are developed, organized, and carried out by the students with the support of their teachers.

Upper School

The Community Service Program in Upper School is very extensive and multi-faceted. Through the After School Program students volunteer at local day care centers, nursing homes, programs for the handicapped and the elderly and one-to-one tutoring programs. Other opportunities, such as Big Brother/Big Sister and Breakthrough Long Island, bring children from neighboring communities to the school to develop mentoring relationships with Friends students.

After School Program

Every student may participate in an activity that speaks to his or her condition. We offer academic, artistic and athletic programs that are designed to teach our students about the Quaker philosophy of service. We also try and remind students that everyone will be in need of some kind of service during their lifetimes. The manner in which we offer our service has a direct relationship to the manner in which we receive service when we are in a position of need.